Friday, April 30, 2010

A Quick Vignette

So I intended to buy myself a little radio to listen to in one ear for almost my entire time here, but I finally got around to it about a week ago. I guess cycling around with Alex for a week and change and then going back to biking by myself made me want something external to my own head.

Anyway. I primarily listen to Radio NZ, the NPR analogue over here, but sometimes classic rock, oldies or Radio NZ classical. I expected music to affect my mood, as it always does (driving rock, not surprisingly, is perfect for climbing hills) but I didn't expect it to paint whole pictures. So I was pleasantly surprised the other day when, speeding across a windy, grassy headland to get to my campsite late in the day, Wagner came on. With the crosswind, low-angle light and sweeping orchestra, it felt like nothing so much as starring in some studio-era Hollywood premake of Breaking Away. It was wonderful. (Yes, I would watch the shit out of that movie.)

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